C'est un honneur de participer à la coupe Femina 2023 !
La régate Zéro émission 2023, c'est annulé !
C'était une belle idée mais ça ne se feras pas cette année.
-Paul S. Filiatrault
The Zero Emission Regatta is proud to be a partner of the Femina Cup, we will be present during the event to encourage zero emission boating for women.
From July 7 to 10, 2022 The challenge is on!
Levy Nautical Park Marina
Lisez l'article paru dans le Québec Yachting vol. 45 no.2 printemps.
Merci à l'équipe de Québec Yachting.
A new image for the regatta.
Here is the new image of the regatta for Quebec Yachting and other communication.
We published an ad in Quebec Yachting vol. 45 No. 1 page 79
We will be there throughout 2022, we thank Joanie for her kindness and support for our cause.