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The MF Shipyard invites all interested teams to the Montreal International Regatta and the 2022-2024 Zero Emissions Regatta, an event under the ownership and management of the MF Shipyard.

Founded in 2014 and managed by Paul Sébastien Filiatrault, the MF shipyard is dedicated to innovative nautical vehicles. Pedal boats are at the heart of the company's approach and have made it internationally renowned, the shipyard has diversified with a wood and composite workshop which has brought 100% electric ships and other innovative nautical technology. With its experience in bicycle racing and a passion for international yacht racing, the MF shipyard is the ideal partner for the industry.

The Montreal International Regatta is a competition bringing together yachting projects around zero-emission propulsion and the autonomy of such vehicles. The regulatory philosophy is to provide guidance for safe participation in the event. This Notice of Race sets the rules for the Montreal International Regatta as well as the zero emission regatta and may be subject to modifications which, if necessary, will be communicated on the regatta's website.

1.0 - Organizer

1.1 -
  The Montreal International Regatta (RIM) is organized and owned by the MF Shipyard.

     : website:
      Phone: 438-375-9877

2.0 - Eligible Classes

2.1 Each team is authorized to enter one boat per eligible class (the “Boat”). The classes are based on the participants, we cannot decide for the moment.

2.2 A maximum of 8 boats per class will be accepted. Entry requirements defined in the registration paragraph below. A team's boat must comply with all technical regulations applicable to that boat's class. Teams are not permitted to use a boat or craft to provide on-water support to their boat during the race and in the racing area as defined by the sailing instructions. Each team and Boat must be insured with well-known Canadian insurers for Civil Liability risks up to 1 million dollars. This must be presented to the Organizer to confirm participation.

The zero emission regatta is divided into several disciplines which are divided into several groups which are divided into several categories which can have distinctions Ex.; human powered, transatlantic ship, less than thirty meters, north sea.

The vehicles must respond to the spirit and the project of the regatta, the spirit suggests that competitors sometimes deferred, compete in sporting or friendly competition on a point of equality, the project affirms the primacy of nautical innovation zero emissions.

The rules are strict regarding the safety and integrity of the events in presentation, it is the responsibility of the general management of the regatta to see to the proper development of the event.

Official Commissaires are at the center of the sporting action of events in all disciplines; the commissioners provide an essential service to the community and are therefore a distinguished party.

The rule

The regatta regulations are considered as the reference for all the obligations governing the specified disciplines of the sporting or friendly events.

These regatta regulations are applicable to all types of races specified.

When necessary the rules and obligations are revised to accommodate various relevant rules and obligations.

It should be noted that the Rules are a dynamic reference document and a particular section may be updated at any time during the Regatta. We therefore recommend that participants refer on a regular basis to the relevant sections on the regatta website.

All regulations and obligations preceding the date and time of the update will be considered invalid, the organizers are invited to respect the amendments according to the circumstances.

A special provision of the regulation derogates from a general provision with which it would be incompatible.

Participation in a regatta event, in whatever capacity, implies acceptance of all the regulatory provisions and the amendments contained in the regulations which apply therein.

Regatta Management shall not be liable for breaches of applicable law committed in connection with the sport, even if the Rules were invoked to justify such breach.

Difficulties in the interpretation or application of the rules are settled by the management committee of the regatta, which may delegate its competence in this matter.

For the purposes of interpretation of the regulations, the French version will be the only official one.

The same rule applies for a race crossing the territory of several provinces and countries.

To facilitate the reading of the text when the context so requires, the masculine includes the feminine and the singular, the plural.

3.1 The International Regatta and the Zero Emission Regatta will be governed by the following rules:

All applicable regulations of the International Regatta Management.

All rules and regulations applicable to the Navigable Waterways of Canada Act (NCNA)

All applicable rules and regulations of the maritime authorities of Canada.

All applicable rules and regulations of the nautical authorities of Quebec.

All municipal regulations applicable to the municipality visited.

All rules and regulations from the Quebec Lobby Registrar.

All CRTC rules and regulations. (Broadcasting Council of Canada)

All the rules and regulations that govern the use of drones in Canada

4.0 Media Regulations

Teams with good visibility find partners more easily.

The organizer sets up a team promotion program before, during and after the tests.  The teams will be presented on the team and event page on the regatta website.
The preparation of the teams will be presented and updated on the website and social networks.
Each project will be promoted to the media, professionals and the general public, particularly during the event itself.

4.1 - The teams must provide publicity material to the organization. Teams are invited to provide the organizer with any useful content (videos, photos, articles, press reviews, etc.), concerning the team, the main lines of work or information on the conditions of preparation. This content will then be shared and promoted by the Organizer in its sole discretion.

4.2 - The organization reserves the right to the image of the regatta and its content.

5.0 - Participate in the events

5.1 - All team members must be at least 18 years old. The management of the regatta is not responsible in the event of personal accident, it is the responsibility of the participant to see to being suitably insured.

5.1 - The competition is open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents, landed immigrants and people with refugee status in all categories including international categories. Proof of citizenship may be required (passport, permanent residence card, papers confirming landed immigrant or refugee status).

By applying, teams declare that they know and understand the rules of the event and accept that participation constitutes their full acceptance. Participants are required to act fairly and in good faith in accordance with the regulations.


- All racing teams must hold a license from the Montreal International Regatta and have the number of licenses required for the number of accreditations requested.

- All pilots must hold a license from the Montreal International Regatta.

-All team members must have a license.

- All participants must be able to present their two licenses at all times during the events.

- All participants must have valid licenses for each of their events.

- All competitors must register in a category which is mentioned on the licence.

5.2.1 - The organizer will confirm the acceptance of the selected teams, the other teams will be put on the waiting list. Selected teams that do not complete the licensing procedure may be denied access to the regatta. Their spot will be given to one of the teams on the waiting list. Competitors will only be considered registered for an event when all administrative prerequisites for a license have been met. The invited teams have until one hour before the events to complete the said prerequisites.

- Completed the registration form
- Signed a sports risk waiver form.
- Payment has been completed.
- The driver's license has been verified by a sworn official commissioner.

Each team is required to finalize its registration with the organizer in person according to the arrangements made. Any derogation from this rule must be requested in writing from the organizer as soon as possible. Failure to comply with this rule may result in disqualification.

5.4 - The substitution of competitors will not be authorized without the prior written agreement of the organizer.

5.5 - A team can withdraw from the regatta by simple written notification to the organizer. However, the management fees will not be reimbursed.

5.6 - The organization reserves the right to refuse the application of a team if the quality and rigor of the application are deemed insufficient.

6.0 - Ex officio commissioners
The scoring of the events will be carried out by a committee of commissioners appointed by the organization and composed of;

• A Race Director
• A minimum of 2 Timekeepers
• A minimum of one Observer

Electronic or video means may be used by the commissaires to validate the results.

Unless otherwise provided in these rules, all ex officio Stewards are required to wear the official uniform at national or international sanctioned events. It is permitted to wear the special uniforms provided by the organizers during important meetings. (must be approved by the President via National Office)


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