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The Zero Emission Regatta is an event promoting zero emission boating, in the form of a festival with exhibitors from all nautical fields, sailing, canoeing, kayaking, equipment etc.


We want to make this annual meeting a must for the nautical season and over time a well-established tradition among the citizens of Quebec. The people of our community work every day to keep their gains, it's a world where competition is fierce, but where there is respect for other entities and even sometimes admiration between competitors.


We need a place with 100% zero nautical emissions to express ourselves and share the road, between us, but also with those who are close to us. This is one of the qualities of our culture, it is not mutual aid, it is respect for the social frameworks established by successive generations of nautical players in Quebec. It is now up to us to continue this conquest of the navigable territory with new vehicles, it is a generation that is dying out to make room for youth, it is in the order of things. A group that is changing rapidly, Mercury sells a ten kilowatt engine, they are in partnership on the Rosso formula which offers boats of around 200 kw. I would be happy to present these ships at the zero emission regatta, a Quebec company could, with the technology marine vision system, build such a ship and participate in the E Rosso formula. other more attractive racing boat formulas can emerge with the VMT E motion 180 system, VMT's Bruce is currently the fastest boat on the Quebec market, but nothing prevents us from building something more fast with the same engine and do E-motion class races! It's a market destined for big developments, maybe one day soon we'll see ZE boats compete against GAZ boats, it's the law of the strongest and believe me, we will win.


We want to make the zero-emission regatta a flagship boating event in Quebec, a day of amnesty where all the players in the community meet in a sporting, friendly and respectful spirit. It is a challenge to bring companies together for a regatta, we are counting on the support of people from all walks of life who have the future of zero-emission boating at heart. In the boat as elsewhere the future belongs to those who get up early and we intend to arrive early to get a good seat.


All vehicles in the world have to be redone, which means that all ships will have to be replaced by zero-emission ships, a market that Quebecers cannot ignore. It's a godsend of at least $100 billion for Quebec. Boating is an international issue and we can export our products as much as we can import. It is in this hope that the international regatta and the Zero Emission Regatta exist, it is to bring about a responsible awareness of the challenges our players face, to support the industry in such a way as to do everything so that everyone can have a place of choice. 


We want each entity to have a place on the platform that is the size of what they are, the bigger ones need a big place and the little ones a small place. We want to present the ships in such a way as to benefit everyone, the organization of the regatta makes sure to have seasoned pilots in the boats to offer the public an exciting experience full of surprises.


Encouraging the Zero Emission Regatta means encouraging the future of Quebec.

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